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Performance charts and graphs for the Derumbleizer

All graphs are the Derumbleizer, (does not include preamp or RIAA equalization sections) for various parameters.

Frequency response for in-phase (music) signals.


Phase response for in-phase (music) signals.


Frequency response for out-of-phase (rumble) signals.


Phase response for out-of-phase (rumble) signals.


Remember that as the phase deviates from zero, the amplitude is also falling (see previous graph), so phase changes are increasingly inaudible and irrelevant.

Frequency response for signals applied to this channel only.


Remember that the lower frequencies are being split between this channel and the other channel, so your ears hear no change of volume across the frequency spectrum.

Phase response for signals applied to this channel only.


Frequency response for signals applied to the other channel only. (channel separation)
The green line is the typical channel separation of most phono cartridges.


Phase response for signals applied to the other channel only.


Note again that as the phase deviates from zero, the amplitude is falling (see previous graph), making any phase deviations inaudible.

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Mailing address:
Precision Audio Restoration
14419 Greenwood Ave. N., Suite A, Box 321
Seattle, WA 98133
Call 206-387-5662 or email to receive directions
to purchase a Derumbleizer personally.
By appointment only.

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